TOP 10 List:
01: Energy Efficiency
Up to twice the efficiency of the best the industry currently has to offer. More than 3x the average.
02: TCO
Total Cost of Ownership: Less expensive in every conceivable way, Cost Per BTU, Install, Operate and Maintain
03: Environmental Impact
Through its lifecycle the carbon footprint is unparalleled in the world.
04: Environmentally Adaptive
Hot, Cold, Humid. It works well in all environments and even gains efficiency in extreme heat.
05: Reliability
With only a handful of moving parts its reliability is unmatched.
06: Physicality
Space, Weight and Physical Footprint. Singular operation not requiring Outdoor Unit or Cooling Tower.
07: Precision
Deviations in temperatures can be uncomfortable and devastating to certain environments. The output is continuously dynamic, providing precision cooling to given area. Unlike the full on/off over/undershoot model the industry has adopted.
08: Scalability
Additional units can be added to the system or work as hybrid to conventional systems.
09: Modularity/Redundancy
Multiple units can be bridged together for the most demanding environments.
10: Building Design and Cost Impact
Installation flexibility, size and weight, opens all sorts of options, affecting architecture.