- The need for air conditioning worldwide is outpacing electrical grid capacity.
- Hazardous oils and refrigerant gases are polluting the atmosphere.
- Inefficient operation is both expensive and water wasteful.
- High costs associated with purchasing, building and infrastructure.
- Numerous complex parts, some of which are exposed to the environment compromise reliability and efficiency.
- Ineffective in various types of climate.
- Size, weight and design is prohibitive for construction.
- Manufacturing puts burden on natural resources.
- Uses less than half the power of the best conventional system and a third of the average.
- There are no oils or refrigerant gases used.
- We are on the positive side of the energy water nexus. Saving the planet water.
- Being smaller, lighter and easier to install the total cost of ownership is unparalleled.
- Employing 3 to 4 moving parts is one key to long it’s term reliability.
- Environmentally adaptive to heat, cold or humidity. Efficiency is gained as temperature rises.
- Architectural flexibility is obtained from the less restrictive nature of installation.
- Weighing in at 50% – 90% less weight overall requires less resources to manufacture.